Let’s Take Your Accounting Firm To The Next Level

Our three foundational pillars to our mastermind that will take your firm to the next level.


Mastermind Perspective

Through brainstorming, problem-solving, and constructive feedback, you’ll gain fresh insights that will elevate your thinking and provide new perspectives.


Group Accountability

Are you tired of struggling to reach your goals alone? Look no further! Join a community of like-minded individuals, all striving for growth and success.


Trackable Growth

In order to track your growth, you need to determine which metrics can set you up for success.  We can help you determine these metrics and how to track them on a recurring basis to provide you with the best data to oversee your firm’s growth.

Why You Should Join

Our mastermind is a no-fluff community. We anchor this mastermind in the REAL topics that every accounting firm faces at or on the road to 7-figures. Whether you are striving to reach 7-figures or already there, you will no longer face these challenges alone. You will be in a community of other accounting firm owners who understand what you are facing in your business and will support you through it all.

Book a strategy session

Client Testimonials

“Renee's mastermind provided practical advice, challenged me, and gave me goals that kept me on the right path. I have been able to save time through the tools and processes I learned through her mastermind that would have taken me years to develop. I wish I had joined years ago.”
EA in Texas
“Renee’s mastermind guidance and accountability has helped empower and free me to position myself and my firm for growth. Great experience!”
CPA in Louisiana
“Renee's mastermind has given me the confidence and the tools to successfully grow and transition my practice into what I want it to be. In a very short period of time, I have been able to launch into the next phase of profitable growth. Renee’s mastermind gave me the encouragement and experience to make this possible!”
CPA in Texas